Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F.
Measure off about a half gram of bud.
Grind the bud.
Sprinkle (gently) the ground up bud onto a sheet of aluminum foil.
Wait for the oven to finish preheating.
Dance if you want.
When the oven is ready, place the sheet of bud into the oven.
Cook around 15 minutes (but no more than 15 minutes).
Take the decarbed bud out of the oven and let sit for 10 minutes.
Prepare the crackers. We’ve seen people use Saltines, Wheat Thins, and even Triscuits before. But we want to make it clear that graham crackers are going to be the best.
Turn the oven up to 300 degrees F.
Grab your graham cracker, split it into two on the dotted line.
Open a jar of peanut butter and smear a good amount onto the graham cracker. Lay it on, you’ll thank us later. (You really want some type of fatty butter or spread here because the weed will respond better to it when you cook the firecracker.)
Sprinkle your decarbed weed onto the peanut butter. Make sure it really sticks to the peanut butter, and maybe even smush it in there a bit. The more it’s mixed with the peanut butter, the better.
Place the two graham cracker halves on top of each other like a s’more.
Wrap the firecrackers all the way with tinfoil.
Put it in the oven for 20 minutes.
Once 20 minutes have passed, take the firecrackers out and let them cool for 10 minutes.
Don’t forget to turn the oven off.