Pink Helado At-A-Glance
TasteDeezTreats provides icy cool relief for any type of energy trying to fuck up your day.
Chill out with Pink Helado's playful, stoney, classic high for laughs and relaxation.
Well worth $60 bucks for bragging rights on the new Top Shelf find.
Find It on Emjay
Catch the Ice Cream Truck and grab a Pink Helado for me with Emjay's free delivery.
About TasteDeezTreats’ Pink Helado
TasteDeezTreats manages to activate the region of the brain still trapped in childhood—the rambunctious, joyful, and particularly snacky zealot who gets hyperfocused when they see ice cream. TasteDeezTreats’ branding, graphic design, and strain names are of the sort that shut down my logical reasoning and demand immediate purchase. With an eye-popping and mouth-watering paleta theme, TasteDeezTreats speaks directly to the hungry child in all of us.
Navigating to TasteDeez’s “About Me” section of their website yields a hysterical and presumably? unintentional display of the stock paragraph inserted by the domain. It reads: “I’m a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.” For the record, the paragraph is not wrong—it IS a paragraph. And it IS a great place to tell a story.
After trying all of Deez Treats in the delightful Helado line (magnificent Maracuja and Emjay exclusive Uvas) what I can tell you about TasteDeez is that they need no introduction. The Helado series is a collaboration between TasteDeezTreats genetics and over 20 years of Lyfted Farms’ vertically integrated grow process. Helado’s paletas pack delicious flavor, gorgeous design, quality flower, and a scoop of fun we all deserve.
Pink Helado is credited by some as a Lyfted Farms product and by others under the TasteDeezTreats umbrella. TasteDeez handles the DNA and Lyfted provides the alchemy to bring that forth into existence.
Lyfted Farms’ uses a nearly 200,000 square foot cultivation facility to micromanage the environmental conditions of each plant. With the founding intention to put nurture into nature and tech into technique Lyfted nails quality and consistency with over 25 years of experience. Nothing can beat the sweet relief of a popsicle when you overheat and it is a treasure to bring this “aaaaaahhhh” to the endocannabinoid system.
Lyfted Farms works in collaboration with the Balca-Bay Area Latino Cannabis Alliance and the Love Modesto community environmental initiative to seek out, employ, and collaborate with veterans and people of color for their top-notch leaves. Lots of white-owned companies steal Latinx culture and innovation for profit while giving nothing back to the community. It is important that Latinx communities continue to be centered and supported in all facets of our society and that includes cannabis.
With their nearly blank webpage and a disabled Instagram account at the time of writing, DeezTreats boldly invites the opportunity to be appraised on quality alone.
Let’s grab a taste and see where it takes us.

$60 well spent. Get the good stuff.