Grapes of Wrath At A Glance
Long Beach’s own unpretentious hometown hero reaps bursting buds of California sunshine into an earthy, complex flower.
Worth more than it costs. And priced to experiment beyond your means. You will not find better flower for $50.
Connect with your passions as you float gently into joy with this mature mind-body glow.
Find It On Emjay
Wonderbrett is available for delivery from Emjay. You're welcome.
About Wonderbrett
Wonderbrett cultivates its craft cannabis at one of the largest facilities on the continent. Located in the heart of Long Beach, it’s no surprise that this flower bursts with vibrant, sunny creativity. Wonderbrett focuses on delivering an elite experience and that shines in every aspect of their output.
Craft cannabis is art and culture and as such will always reflect the city of its origin. If you’ve never made the trek, Long Beach is LA’s less flashy, more down-to-earth, beachside younger sibling. LA will pull up on a motorcycle to pick you up for a date, Long Beach walks to the door with flowers (a bouquet of weed flowers, we hope).
The accessible elegance of the Long Beach lifestyle falls in line with that silently confident maturity of Wonderbrett. This isn’t the mediocre brand you buy to flex, but the luxury option for those who know. Wonderbrett is unpretentious and low-key in its packaging and accessible cost. It doesn’t burst through the doors of perception but wafts gently in through the window.
Grapes of Wrath marries Grape Pie x Jet Fuel Gelato. In the craft cannabis game, the packaging must be elegant. It’s more than just the window dressing. Like an album cover, it sets your expectations for what’s inside. It frames the experience and helps provide a clearer picture of the artist’s intent.
Wonderbrett announces its arrival in a gentle chest voice that sets the table for the elevated but grounded experience to come. Chefs spend a lot of energy plating their food beautifully because we eat first with our eyes. The same is true for cannabis. Here, inventive but understated packaging begins the cannabis ritual with exciting visual appeal.
The visual delight continues as you open the jar to a tangled sea of orange hairs and dark purple leaves. A very earthy aroma with the promised grape notes opens immediately into the air.
A light, enigmatic mouthfeel and flavor inform a smoking experience that you just can’t seem to put your finger on. It’s a delightful mystery that will keep you going back for more.

Unlike the dry-ass Steinbeck novel of the same name, these Grapes are too juicy for the fly-over states. Grapes of Wrath provides a nuanced and interesting high that reveals itself slowly.
Grapes nail an accessible THC content—it’s strong but not unnecessarily so. This is a great choice for someone with a moderate tolerance who wants to make their eighth last longer. Pack a bowl or bubbler and let the full effect hit before loading the next one. With the THC percentage set at the Kobe number, high tolerance smokers may prefer their wrath wrapped in grape.
If this hybrid was a buddy road trip movie, the sativa is definitely in the driver’s seat. She’s in control. But at a respectful, enjoyable pace. Indica proves herself a pleasant, steadfast co-pilot. If you’re celebrating, you can go wild without worrying the gals will join hands and drive you off a cliff.
Grapes is most notable for its soft touch. You are undeniably lifted but without that being the sole fact you can focus on.
Manageable mental excitement and chill somatic effects make these grapes perfect for a festival. They put you in touch with the earth and you’ll want to dance with the wind on your skin as you reveal in our primitive need for percussion.
This is a ‘good times and great memories’ weed. Don’t use it to power through unpleasant errands or focus on homework. Save it for an activity you can just sink into and enjoy.
Wonderbrett grows superior flower and Grapes of Wrath is an elegant addition to the cannon. It is absolutely worth the price and better than most at a higher price point. $50/eighth.