Omura’s Heat-Not-Burn Vape Technology Is A Big Deal. Here’s Why.

by Emjay
Omura Heat-Not-Burn Vape Tech. Emjay. Photo courtesy of Omura.

Heat-not-burn technology is a new innovation at the forefront of the cannabis industry. Both the tobacco and cannabis industries have been dominated by combustion-based consumption methods in the past. However, we are now seeing an increase in heat-not-burn technology innovations which has exploded in popularity.

Here’s what that means for you, the consumer, and the benefits of low-temperature vaping (not combusting) your cannabis.

How does heat-not-burn technology work?

Generally, the way heat-not-burn technology works is the flower is put into a chamber, or a joint aka flower stick in the case of the Omura, and the flower is heated in that chamber. Devices like the PAX use conduction to heat the flower. The flower needs to be touching the heat source in order for it to get to an ideal temperature. Omura works differently in that it uses a sophisticated convection oven and air bath system to heat the flower. 

Cannabis flower requires various temperatures to activate the THC and CBD cannabinoids. Temperatures in excess of 550°F generate smoke that contains carcinogens, like cigarette smoke (albeit less harmful). Most heat-not-burn devices go through a range of temperatures from around 250°F to up to 430°F. This low temperature means a smoke-free experience for the consumer. This heat-not-burn vaping process significantly reduces exposure to harmful chemicals.

Omura Heat-Not-Burn Vape Tech. Emjay. Photo courtesy of Omura.

Why is Omura different?

Omura’s convection oven and air bath system mean that the flower is not touching the heat source, which is a smoother, less harsh heating process for the cannabis. How it works: warm air is produced in the oven and pulled through the Omura flower stick in order to heat the flower. This eliminates burning, harsh taste, and smoke that can happen in conduction heating devices if they become too hot. A test by SC Labs in Southern California found that the Omura Series 1 vaporizes 94% of all cannabinoids.

There are other pluses. The convection oven system found in Omura product offerings helps create minimal smell and vapor. As the heat curve goes through the lower temperatures, it heats up the terpenes where you get the flavor and the THC and CBD cannabinoids burn at higher temperatures all together delivering the ‘entourage effect.’  This keeps the terpenes and complex cannabinoid profile of your cannabis intact.

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